Advice for America Symposium

On January 29th, the Center for Preventing Hate hosted a full day forum for Lewiston-Auburn professionals entitled “Advice for America: What Lewiston-Auburn has learned since 2000 about fostering relationships between residents and newcomers.”

For ten years, Lewiston-Auburn has garnered national interest for its refugee resettlement story. At the “Advice for America” forum, 85 professionals including long-term residents and New Mainers reflected on the community’s transformation and what advice they would give professionals in other cities about promoting safe and inclusive communities. The professionals represented a cross-section of industries including government, education, housing, healthcare, business, faith and other social service organizations.

The Center for Preventing Hate is currently compiling the feedback gathered at the event and will produce a summarizing report as well as incorporate the advice into the upcoming trainings designed for the cities participating in the New Migration Project. The New Migration Project is designed to reduce anti-immigrant bias in neighborhoods across the United States and foster understanding between residents and newcomers.