100 Parents Attend Bullying Session

SOURCE: Seacoastonline.com 5/25/10

School officials held a forum last week to discuss the findings in a report regarding bullying at Marston Elementary and Hampton Academy. The report was so personal and shocking officials decided to not make the document public.

Nearly 50 parents came to Marston Elementary, Thursday, May 20, to hear what kind of bullying was going on and what administrators are doing about it.

Nicole Manganelli, a consultant from the Center for Preventing Hate in Maine, told parents the bullying going on in the Hampton School District is no worse or better than what is going on in every school across the country.

The school district hired consultants from the Center to come into the two schools in the aftermath of Winnacunnet officials stating bullying was becoming a major problem.

Read full article: http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100525/NEWS/5250335&emailAFriend=1