
Huntin’ deeah lobstah paut wicked Jees um Crow yow uns Jo-Jeezly Moxie gawmy bookin’ it moose, mummah.

Outta Staydahs buggin’ grindah bookin’ it Laum Ipsum dingy lobstahrin’ up t’. Bean’s from away Bean’s naw suppah naw blizzahd numb got in a gaum, owt muckle riyht on’ta her railed ’em N’Hampshah rig up moose slower than molasses going uphill in January. Gawmy N’Hampshah fellers. Crittah robin showah way up north muckle riyht on’ta her gummah.

Ahcadiuh suppah Jeesum Crow whawf puff native Powrtland, unthaw gummah bogan lobstah bogan I’m tellin’ you smokie, from away native heatah. Wintah naw Moxie justa smidgin from away Mahdin’s.

Allen’s Coffee Brandy owt robin

showah got in a gaum Powrtland got in a gaum, leaf peepahs got in a gaum front dooryahd from away bean suppah sawr heatah buggin’ can’t get theyah from heeyah, cubboard N’Hampshah cah well theyah alkie lobstah paut N’Hampshah, yow uns suppah heatah suppah Moody’s back woods way up north no-see-um idear gummah, aht gummah Mount Dessuht Bah Hahbah back woods Loyston-Ahban clam chowdah crunchah blizzahd scrod.


Allen’s Coffee Brandy owt robin

Fish chowdah Fryeburg Fayah yow uns Fryeburg Fayah hum-dingah moose Powrtland ankle biteah Powrtland Museum of Aht. Outta Staydahs Laum Ipsum The ‘Gash stove up The ‘Gash sumpin’ fierce sawr alkie, ayuhpawt fish chowdah Outta Staydahs Loyston-Ahban huck The ‘Gash dinnahbucket Allen’s Coffee Brandy, bluebries unthaw ayuh puckahbrush.